Jeff Connell

Center Director (423)791-4303

Jeff joins us excited about the opportunities and potential at the Center. He brings years of experience in youth camping. He is excited about the potential that the Center holds. Jeff has a Bachelors Degree from Albany State University and a Master’s of Divinity in Education.


Mike Besneatte

Maintenance Director

Bio coming soon!


abbigail moore

Program Director | 276.258.7026

Abbie was born and raised in Southwest Virginia and grew up attending programs at the Southwest Virginia 4-H Educational Center. She is proud of our Appalachian community and enjoys sharing the places she loves with those new to or not from the region. She is a certified instructor in archery, a team-building and low ropes facilitator, and trained in administering Project Learning Tree(™) curriculum. Abbie has been working professionally in the field of youth development for more than three years and has a Master’s Degree from Clemson University in Youth Development Leadership. Having graduated from James Madison University with an undergraduate degree in Modern Foreign Language (Spanish), Abbie is passionate about promoting cultural literacy and language learning throughout the local community. Abbie is Red Cross First Aid/CPR certified. Abbie’s favorite programs are the Southwest District Teen Leadership Council and being the 4-H Center Advisor on the State 4-H Cabinet.



Events Coordinator

Rebecca is the Events Director at SWVA 4H and is delighted to help you plan your future events.  Whether it’s a retreat, a birthday party, a reunion, etc., she is happy to help it be the most memorable and enjoyable experience.  Rebecca has a background in teaching, so she is experienced in group management and activities.  She graduated from Clinch Valley College with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, she also holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from UVA Wise. Her master’s degree as a Reading Specialist was acquired from Emory & Henry College. 


Chancey Voysey

Food Services Coordinator

Chancey is a trained chef with years of experience in the kitchen. He is excited to use his skills to make our retreats a dining experience.